Crops Time of Application Foliar/Soil Application
Vegetables Tomatoes, Pepper, Cucumber, Aubergine, Melon, courgettes etc.   One week after planting   2-4lt/ha
Ornamentals, Carnations, chrysanthemums, gerberas One week after planting 4lt/ha
Roses After pruning 5-7lt/ha
Strawberries One week after planting 2-4lt/ha
Bananas During the development period 5-7lt/ha
Citrus, Fruit Trees After the formation of the bud   5-7lt/ha
Tuber plants During the vegetative period 2-4lt/ha

INFINITY is used to improve rooting and soil texture. Enzye accelerates the reactions, increases the efficiency and adjusts the pH of the soil. When applied in calcareous and sandy soils humic acid breaks down pertified soils to increase water absorbtion and create a better development area. Humic acid is also important for plant growth because it enhances herbaceous availability by chelating micro and macro plant nutrient.